Velofel pills yet despite our best efforts to empty our greens and focus on driving our partners to ecstasy fear and self-doubt can often creep in triggered by stress anxiety or new relationship nerves this worry can seep into your sexual encounters and can even affect how you perform and who wants that for instance how are you meant to impress her when all you've got to offer is a limp dick or the promise of premature ejaculations hell even if it has never happened to you before the worry that it one day will subconsciously set it all into motion dots so what can you do how can you stop this from happening the good news is no matter whether performance anxiety is stopping you from staying hard or you're struggling to last it is possible to turn the tide revamp your sex life and ensure you take her breath away in all the right ways we have compiled a list of all the best male enhancement pills on the market so you can confidently take back control in the bedroom as you can see each of these male enhancement pills can offer you an edge