There are several heating systems and options to heat a home, and all are different in their own way; you might be familiar with a few of them. Central Heating Systems Today, most homes have a central heating system, a heating system that produces heated forced air circulated throughout the house. But if you live in a large house, then the bill can be too high. Central heating systems can take up to an hour to heat a larger home and take more than an hour to warm up the home. , If it is an older home, owners may have old windows that leak cold air and makes these areas a freezing room in the house, which causes a high utility cost. Oil-Filled Radiant Heaters Radiant heat is an oil-filled heater that heats the rooms by heating the oil inside the heater; then, heat radiates from the external surface. It can heat a home continuously and is less costly than the central heating system. It is dangerous as any pet or child could contact its hot metal on the downside. Fireplaces For centuries, fireplaces have been used; three fireplaces currently include fireplaces that use wood and electric or/gas fireplaces.